Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Low Carb Alternate Day Fasting Experiment - Day 55

 Low Carb Brunch w/ Mom

Today I had my one meal earlier on in the day. We had Mom over for a low carb brunch. I'm very happy to report that Mom has been low carbing for the past several months and doing very well with it. Eggsellent.

10:25 AM - a cup of organic (black) coffee

12:00 PM - broccoli-cheesy (omega-3 organic) eggs, organic bacon, organic avocado; a homemade (low-carb) almond-coconut-flax muffin + the majority of my daily supplements

2:45 PM - a cup of organic (black) coffee

5:30 PM - a cup of organic (black) coffee

Plenty of warm-to-hot water in the remaining hours. I find it soothing and an excellent hunger-tamer.

More to come ... if it's meant to be.


Anne H said...

Great time for all!
Glad Mom is on board with the LC.
Once ya get past the first week or so,
it's the easiest thing in the world!

Harry/JP said...

She's adopted the lifestyle with relative ease. Ha! ;-)

Anne H said...

"Relative" ??!!
But, honestly - I ask ya, JP -
What's not to like about that plate o' goodness?

Harry/JP said...


It was pretty outstanding. Mad created it. We all enjoyed it. Mmmm.