Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Low Carb Alternate Day Fasting Experiment - Day 38

Off and running once again. Working on a column that I'll discuss here tomorrow about the new Food Pyramid. We can and, I think, should do our part to improve it. More on that on Friday.

9:05 AM - a cup of organic cottage cheese, a Tbs of Nature's Hollow (sugar-free) apricot preserves, a few ounces of raw pecans + my morning supplements

10:25 AM - a cup of organic (black) coffee

1:30 PM - a cup of organic (black) coffee

2:30 PM - meal replacement shake (1 1/2 scoops of natural sugar-free vanilla whey protein, 6 oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 2 scoops of "chocolate greens", 1 scoop of FOS/inulin, a dash of NutraSalt, a few drops of organic peppermint extract) + my mid-day supplements

5:00 PM - a cup of organic (black) coffee

6:30 PM - an In-N-Out 3x3 (3 burger patties & 3 slices of natural American cheese) with grilled onions, jalapenos, pickles, tomato slices on a Purity Bread "bun" and homemade nori chips + my evening supplements

8:35 AM - a cup of organic (black) coffee

More to come ... I hope!

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