Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Low Carb Alternate Day Fasting Experiment - Day 19

The good news: I'm not feeling very sore at all this morning ... even though I had my most intense work out in years yesterday. I also slept quite well last night. A big help.

Blood Pressure: 115/69. Blood Sugar: 67. (Taken after drinking coffee at about 11:10 AM).

10:45 AM - a cup of black coffee

1:10 PM - a strong cup of organic white tea

2:15 PM - a leftover In-n-Out 3x3 (three burger patties, 3 slices of American cheese, grilled onions, pickles and tomato slices), homemade organic guacamole, a glass of organic red wine (Malbec) + most of my daily supplements

4:00 PM - meditation practice

4:30 PM - a cup of black coffee

7:45 PM - a strong cup of organic white tea

10:30 PM - a strong cup of organic chamomile tea

More to come ... I hope!

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