Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Low Carb Alternate Day Fasting Experiment - Day 29

Recovering from yesterday. A tough one. Just putting one step in front of the other and seeing how it goes. Staying on track re: diet. Hope to exercise later today.

9:45 AM -
a cup of organic (black) coffee

1:30 PM - pulled pork (Whole Foods), homemade (organic) guacamole, a small serving of (low carb) buttermilk-honey custard + the majority of my daily supplements

4:00 PM - a cup of organic (black) coffee

7:30 PM - a cup of organic (black) coffee

More to come ... I hope!


Anne H said...

*hugs* all the way from Texas
in cyber space!

Harry/JP said...

Thank you, Anne. :-)

Hugs right back at ya!