Sunday morning. The end of another night not sleeping very soundly. I even considered taking an OTC (over the counter) sleeping pill late, late last night. Part of the reason was probably because of some pesky new neighbors we have. They were sitting out on their balcony hooting, laughing and just talking like drunk people do (loudly and obnoxiously). Ultimately, I just put in a pair of ear plugs and eventually fell asleep - after it became clear that lightning wouldn't strike and take care of my little problem. :)
I wanted to get an earlier start to the day but it just didn't work out. No big deal. Tonight's another night and another shot at sweater dreams.
Sunday - January 11, 2008
11:00 am
+ a cup of "choco-coffee" - (2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon of instant coffee, 1 packet of Also Salt and stevia + FOS and hot water)
1:00 pm (pictured above)
+ 3 omega-3 scrambled cheesy eggs (w/feta and cheddar cheese, a splash of heavy cream, Also Salt, sea salt and a pepper blend)
+ 5 slices of natural bacon (one was eaten post-meal - with my supplements)
+ 3/4 of an avocado
4:00 pm
+ homemade vegetable soup (homemade fatty pork broth, organic broccoli florets, Also Salt) *
* I blend this up using my immersion/stick blender. It ends up being a creamy consistency.
5:45 pm
+ a cup of instant coffee, a packet of stevia + FOS and a splash of low-fat milk
8:15 pm (to be pictured above)
+ sliced (natural) salami, sliced Manchego (sheep's milk) cheese & a whole avocado
+ a glass of red wine
note: I had a few more slices of cheese and salami than were pictured. I started snacking before I started plating for the photo! :)
More to come ... I hope!
Just popping by to wish you LOTS of luck tomorrow (not that you will need it) I'm looking forward to it!
Great menus!!!!
Thanks, NewVision!
I'll do my best! :)
Lovely menu, Harry!LC-eating is luxurious for sure! Looking forward to your interview with Jimmy.
Hi Harry,
Looking good! So, the important question is ... do you always make your food so pretty, or is it just for the camera? Because it looks like you have a talent!
*Luck* for today!
I hate days when my neighbours keep me up. Your menu sounds yummy! I LOVE avocado!
Thanks, Lynn.
The time has almost arrived.
My fingers are crossed. Let's hope my tongue won't be tied!
I'll report back after the interview!
Howdy, Erika.
My wife gives me tips on how to arrange the food. I try to strike a middle-ground between reality and a nice presentation.
For instance, my wife will often say: "We should put something 'green' on top of the mashed cauliflower". I resist, because in reality, we don't do that!
But, when she makes a plate for me, she'll often arrange the food in a more desirable fashion. She's got the better taste in our partnership! :)
I must admit that I'm learning though.
Thanks, Cinderella. :)
I love avocados too. Luckily, in California, they're available pretty much year-round.
Hopefully the neighbor situation will be a transient one. It may just be an instance of them not understanding how loud and obnoxious they're being. A few calls to security will likely teach them the necessary lesson.
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