Saturday, July 4, 2009


A Wowee Zowee 4th of July

We didn't fall asleep until after 6:00 am this morning! Note my 5:00 am snack "last night".

Now we're off to a July 4th BBQ. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find some good LC options there. But just in case, I'm not going there on an empty stomach. I'll be fine either way.

I hope you're all having a fun and/or relaxing day and that you're sharing today with people who you care about and who care about you.

2:00 pm

+ LC Mocha Ice & Cream Shake - 3 ice cubes, a few ounces of organic heavy cream and 4-6 oz of purified water, 2 scoops of Amazing Grass Chocolate Greens, 1 scoop of Jarrow Unflavored Whey Protein, 1 scoop of organic sprouted flax meal, 1 tsp of organic instant coffee, a splash of organic vanilla extract, stevia and Also Salt - blended up using my handy-dandy immersion blender

6:00 pm (Forgot the camera! Doh!)

+ a variety of olives - black, green and purple ... even one that was stuffed with blue cheese!

+ chicken skewers with green and red bell peppers and onions

+ filet mignon

note: What a perfect LC meal! Our friend's father was in charge of the grill and he is an absolute master of the craft! Delicious! The company couldn't have been any better either. Lovely, lovely people indeed.

7:30 pm

+ a cup of organic, black coffee

10:00 pm

+ pork al pastor (from Whole Foods Market) on a bed of homemade mashed cauliflower

More to come ... I hope.


Brightcetera said...

Have fun at the BBQ. I'm thinking BBQ = lots of LC choices :)

What a lovely sentiment.

Harry/JP said...

Thanks, Fit. Just got back. We had a great time. Now we're just settling in and waiting for the fireworks that we'll hopefully be able to see from our balcony.

Hope you're having lots of fun too!

Anne H said...

What a cool holiday - fireworks all around and a nearly full moon. Picture perfect!

Harry/JP said...

It's turned out to be just that! Very cool indeed. :-)

Thanks, Anne!

Jade said...

Glad everyone had a great 4th. Mine was good too with lots of kids, dogs, fireworks and fun! What a beautiful evening.

Harry/JP said...

I'm very happy to hear that, Jade! :-)

Hope the rest of your weekend rocks as well!

Harry/JP said...

PS - Any thoughts about starting up a menu blog, Jade? Just wondering. :-)

Jade said...

LOL! Harry, I may very well be the worst blogger on the planet. I made a blog for a part-time jewelry business that I have (that's where jade comes in) and I haven'y been able to get the hang of it. I am hopeless without the ability to cut and paste and all of the photos come in where I don't want them to. My oldest daughte has a wonderful blog where she updates the family about the little ones. etc. I keep trying to get her to come over to see what I am doing wrong. All of my kids think I am technologically challenged. Maybe one day if I ever figure it out. :)

Harry/JP said...


I'm all thumbs when it comes to technology. If I can figure it out ... you can, for sure! Trial and error and a few pointers here and there is all that's needed!

Please let us know if you decide to start up with a menu blog. If so, I'll be a regular visitor! :-)