Saturday, July 25, 2009


Hi LC Bloggers!

Mrs. Harry here... Just a short note to thank you all for the good wishes and encouragement as I embark on my own LC journey. I was REALLY exhausted for the first few days, probably a combination of carb withdrawal and jet lag. But finally starting to feel good after 5 days.

One thing my very modest husband didn't tell you all is that not only did he lose 80 pounds on his LC program, but he did it while living in a house full of tempting carbs - chips, cookies, crackers, bread, candy - you name it! I was eating anything and everything and in large quantities, I might add. But those days are over. We are now LC partners as well as life partners and it feels really good to finally be on board.

My goal is to lose 40 pounds. I'm not sure I have the iron willpower of my sweet husband, so wish me luck - I'll need it!

Warm regards,


Harry/JP said...

Yay! You're here! :-)

So happy to have you sharing my/our online home! I know you'll brighten this joint up! Can't wait!

Anne H said...

Dear Madeleine aka Mrs. Harry!
I get to be one of the first to welcome you to Blogland! I'm glad you made it through the first few days. I hope you feel the greatness soon - and often!

Brightcetera said...

Welcome Madeleine! to Blogland.
It's difficult to fail when you have so many supportive people surrounding you.
Continued success to both of you!

Harry/JP said...
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Harry/JP said...

Thanks you guys! :-)

Mrs H

~Oct said...

Madeleline, it is so great to meet you! As you probably know, Harry is a big part of our LC blogging community, always there with an encouraging comment and the articles he writes for healthyfellow are unbelievably well-researched and informative. It is so great to see you joining him in this lifestyle, I wish my Cro would since I know how much good it has done for me, but I know he's got to make his own path.

The first week or two of LC can be rough to get past, so congrats! Hopefully it will be easier and easier for you from here out. This way of eating just feels right once you get past the induction phase.

Good to have you posting! Can't wait to see what else you have to share as you lose that 40 pounds. :)

Me said...

Great to see you, Mrs Harry! Welcome!!

Low Carber said...

Not fair... Noww you are going to have to post twice as often hehe

No seroiusly, welcome to Harry's corner of cyber will be nice to find out more about the one that Harry always speaks so kindly of :)

Look forward to some new and interesting recipes and pics from your many romantic getaways :)

Harry has helped me alot and with this weigh in I will have lost over 100 lbs..with quite a bit more to go.. so anyways take care of the that teddy bear hubby of yours!

Harry/JP said...

Hi Guys!

Thanks so much for the smoking hot welcome!

You are all already such an inspiration.


Jade said...

Welcome Madeleine! jade

Harry/JP said...

Thanks, Jade! :-)
