Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

9:10 AM - a cup of instant, organic coffee

10:30 AM - a bowl of Greek style (plain) yogurt

12:00 PM - smoked small and an iced coffee (black)

4:00 PM - low carb hot cocoa with added coconut fiber/flour

5:30 PM - a cup of instant, organic coffee

8:00 PM - low carb pizza (triple-toasted Purity bread, roasted tomatoes, red pepper flakes and asiago cheese)

10:00 PM - a few low carb almond + hazelnut pancakes topped with Nature's Hollow strawberry preserves

More to come ... I hope!


Anne H said...

The roasting veggie thing is really quite good!
I've been adding a few here and there, myself.
Nom nom they say!

Harry/JP said...

I must admit that we purchased them pre-made. But they're delicious all the same! :-)

bayoubabe said...

where ya at ? havent not seen updates ?

Harry/JP said...

Sorry, BB!

My well laid plans were derailed. Been crazy busy! Still following an LC program without fail though.

Will post new pics in a few minutes!

My best to you and yours!