Fast day number 5. Here's how it begins ... continues ... and ends for the day.
Wake Up Time: 8:45 AM. Fell Asleep: 1:45ish AM
9:10 AM - a cup of organic black coffee
9:40 AM - Blood Pressure: 118/67. Blood Sugar: 69 mg/dL
11:15 AM - a strong cup of organic white tea (1 bag white tea + 2 bags white tea & mint)
2:45 PM - a homemade lamb burger topped w/ roasted yogurt sauce, an organic tomato (sliced), grilled broccoli and a half glass of organic red wine (Malbec) + most of my supplements
4:30 PM - a strong cup of organic white tea w/ mint (3 bags)
6:30 PM - a cup of organic coffee (black)
8:15 PM: a strong cup of Traditional Medicinals' Every Day Detox tea (3 tea bags)
10:45 PM - a strong cup of organic chamomile tea (3 tea bags)
More to come, I hope!
Prescription 2019: Optimized Curcumin Dosage
As a consumer, it’s not always clear how to best utilize a supplement for a
specific objective. The challenges are many. For starters, you have to
5 years ago
What's for dinner?
Thoughts of you.
And clean up is a breeze!
Nothing! :-)
I had a late lunch instead. That'll hold me!
Indeed. Not a big fan of cleaning up. A necessary evil.
anne h, you are funny! Whats foir dinner?! Man, I so eagor to try that out epecially when I am full but as soon as hunger hits I am all baby about it and start crying for some food. I hate to be hungry. I am cranky, demanding and super annoying. I guess some of us are more man then others.
There is no one path for everyone, Vadim. ADF may be right for you or not.
Think of it this way: If you were stranded on a desert island and only had a limited amount to eat ... you'd make due. You might even learn to enjoy what you did have. You might even feel better. You might look up at the palm trees for inspiration. :-)
Yo-ho, yo-ho the LoCarb
(and pirate) life for me!
Argh! Me too! :-)
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