Mad traveled to New York this past week due to a death in the family. Upon her arrival, one of the worst snow storms in recent history came to town.
The good news? Maddy was able to traverse the treacherous landscape safely and remain true to her LC lifestyle even while going through a stressful and emotionally devastating time.
In other news, I recently posted an LC recipe that we've both been enjoying very much: Almond Pancakes. There are a couple of other LC creations and finds that we're currently working on as well. More on those as we work out all the kinks.
As for myself, I continue to stay on my own LC path - maintaining my weight and enjoying a rather diverse and nutritious diet. No significant stumbles to speak of ...
One final note: Maddy and I have been meditating lately - two sessions of about 15 minutes each per day, one in the morning and one at night. It's really helping us to feel more serene and in control - regardless of the circumstances.